At Season 5 all shows join together please see Agile World in English for all English Shows.
OKRs for the truth about KPIs Agile World Hot Topic S4 E1
Nightmare Stories Agile World Better English s04 e02
Darren Thatcher Deepdive on Agile Mindsets Agile World Hot Topic S4 E5
April K. Mills on Change Tactics to Escape the Status Quo, Agile World News Better English S04 E04
Erin Randall, Agile in the Academy, Agile World Better English News s04 e12
Women in Agile Open Agile World Better English S04 E06
Agile World Host Karl Smith, Sabrina Noto, Cynthia Kahn and Steve Moubray - Everyone can be Agile
Agile@Home With Tremillia Highsmith Williams at Agile World Better English S04 E07
Cherie Silas, Influence without Authority, Agile World News Better English s04 e10
Participatory Budgeting, Luke Hohmann
Agile World with Darren Thatcher S4 E3
OKRs and KPIs in the wild with Anthony Coppedge
Agile as a way to Lose Weight
Craig Cockburn on Agile Coaching
Interviewing Peter Stevens about Personal Agility S3 E1 Agile World
Interviewing Yury Ialtanskii on S3 E2 Agile World
Interviewing Jatin Sanghavi on S3 E3 Agile World
Interviewing Cynthia Kahn on Agile World S3 E5
Interviewing Stuart Young on Agile World S3 E4
Story Points are DEAD Agile World Hot Topic
Gender Inclusion is a Business Imperative
Story Points are DEAD Meetup, Agile World Hot Topic S3 E7
Agile World talk show with Cynthia Kahn and Steve Moubray
Impactful Products with Jason Hall, S3 E10
Agile World News Attacks Wicked Problems with Joanne Stone
Is Agile 2 The Next Iteration of Agile?
Agile World S2 E12 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith interview Chris Stone about Agile
Agile World S2 E11 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith interview Evelyn Lekhtman about Agile
Agile World S2 E10 with Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith interviewing Anthony Coppedge
Agile World S2 E10 with Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith interviewing Anthony Coppedge
Agile World S2 E9 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith talk with Phil Baird about his Agile journey
Agile World S2 E9 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith talk with Phil Baird about his Agile journey
Agile World S2 E8 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith with Andrew Palmer about his Agile journey
Agile World S2 E8 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith with Andrew Palmer about his Agile journey
Agile World S2 E7 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith with Dhanusha Gokhool and Harold Campbell
Agile World S2 E7 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith with Dhanusha Gokhool and Harold Campbell
Agile World S2 E6 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith talk with Anurag Shrivastava about Agile
Agile World S2 E6 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith talk with Anurag Shrivastava about Agile
Agile World S2 E5 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith talk with Mark Walsh about Agile
Agile World S2 E5 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith talk with Mark Walsh about Agile
Agile World S2 E4 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith talk with Giles Lindsay about Agile
Agile World S2 E4 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith talk with Giles Lindsay about Agile
Agile World S2 E3 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith talk with Ashish Kulkarni about Agile
Agile World S2 E3 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith talk with Ashish Kulkarni about Agile
Agile World S2 E2 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith walk through Agile20Reflect what's next event
Agile World S2 E1 with The Agile20Reflect Festival Chief Pirate Scott Seivwright and a true wagger
Agile World 25 with hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith not the one where Karl makes a gaff
Agile World 24 with Brandon Hill-Jowett talking Fiesta Forever and Motivations for Agile20Reflect
Agile World 23 with hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith on who created Agile World
Agile World 22 with hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith on the Agile20Reflect Festival
Agile World 21 talking meetup problems and Fiesta Forever with guests Yusef Dean and Shelby Wilson
Agile World 20 with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith
Agile World 19 Agile Fashion Management and Agile Coaching with Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith
Agile World 18 Agile Myths from the Agile20Reflect Festival with Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith
Agile World 17 with Giles Lindsay talking about his huge event, The Agile Confessional Podcast
Agile World 16 on meetup crashing, celebrating our amazing donors and Agile20Reflect Red Team Event
Agile World 15 with Grace Johnson and some of the Agile20Reflect Festivals African Ambassadors
Agile World 14 answering a question about moving from a Scrum Master to an Agile Coach
Agile World 13 with guests Scott Seivwright and his wonderful wife to celebrate on Valentine's day
Agile World 12 on Agile20Reflect Festival ending event and the amazing 85 World Wide Ambassadors
Agile World 11 with Sathpal Singh & Yusuf Dean on yesterdays 20th anniversary of the agile manifesto
Agile World 10 with guests from South America Agile20Reflect Festival Ambassadors
Agile World 9 review and shout out for some events and more on Stuart Young's "Visual Thinking"
Agile World 8 talking about Craig Cockburn and Anthony Coppedge with Stuart Young on Visual Thinking
Agile World 7 with Shelby Wilson and Haroon Khalil run through Agile20Reflect Festival Mentimeter
Agile World 6 with Melanie Antwi-Kusi Pabifio as a guest
Agile World S1 E5 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith guests Sathpal Singh and Anurag Shrivastava
Agile World S1 E4 with Shelby Wilson as a guest and the words of Lynoure Braakman
Agile World S1 E3 with Karl Smith and Sabrina C E Noto and guest Scott Seivwright
Agile World S1 E2 with Carol Dekkers and outside broadcasting from Scott Seivwright
Agile World S1 E1 Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith review Opening and Agile20Reflect Patrons Events